An Untitled Lady by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady - Nicky Penttila
An Untitled Lady
Nicky Penttila
Paperback, Paperback, 368 pages
Published February 12th 2014 (first published December 20th 2013)
Musa Publishing, LLC
ISBN13 9781619377769
Actually 3.5 stars. I am not much of a romance book reader, but I did enjoy An Untitled Lady. The author, Nicky Penttila, weaves the history of the early 1820s England into the story well. She blends the characters' individual struggles with real life events (Peterloo Massacre) and comes up with a story worth reading. One of the things I was pleased about is that the story is set in Manchester, and doesn't revolve around the larger, typical "society" that is typically found in stories set in London. Definitely a good choice for someone who likes romance with a little more heft.

****I received this book from the author, Nicky Penttila, in exchange for an honest review.****