MYTRO by John Biggs

Mytro - John Biggs

Mytro by John Biggs brings together Paul "Turtle" Fulton, a boy from New York City, and Agata, a girl from Barcelona, Spain. Paul stumbles on a secret subway system, by following 2 friends, and finds out that this secret subway can get you anywhere in the world in the matter of minutes. He is given a map, meets Agata who came over on the Mytro from Spain, and together the go on an adventure to find her parents who have been taken by people who want to take over the Mytro.

Once I sat down to read this, I couldn't put it down. The adventure takes the 2 teens to different countries, introduces them to another teen from another culture who becomes a friend, and gives them a chance to break secret codes to help put the pieces together as to where Agata's parents are. John Biggs has been able to keep the fast pace of the plot consistent throughout the story. Both Turtle and Agata are intelligent, thoughtful, and likable.

The ending did seem a little open ended, but Mytro is the first installment in what is to be a trilogy. I am definitely interested in reading what comes next.

****This book was won in a giveaway through Booklikes from the author, John Biggs.***