MILKWEED by Jerry Spinelli

Milkweed - Jerry Spinelli

MILKWEED By Jerry Spinelli

208 pages
Published (first published January 1st 2003)

ISBN:  0439682363 (ISBN13: 9780439682367) 


  Set in Warsaw, Poland from prior to World War II and following an orphan with many names in his quest to survive not only living in the streets, but, also, in the Warsaw Ghetto. Author Jerry Spinelli wrote this as a young adult book, and definitely gives the young adult reader something to think about and to learn. I found it very well written. When given the name Misha by an older orphan helping take care of him, he started to believe his "story"of where he came from. Milkweed is his story of survival of the streets, the Ghetto, and the Holocaust; this is also his search to belong. I loved the characters that Misha interacted with throughout the story. Spinnelli kept the story moving. He didn't shy away from some of the horrors that Misha had to deal with, but wrote about the longing to belong, to be someone, understanding, and becoming family. I definitely would recommend this book to others, both the YA readers and adult readers.


One of my favorite things-I found this on one of those Free Little Bookshelves in the apartment complex that I baby sit at. Really cool.